Once again it is time to take a journey through one week of my life. I am getting a quick start on this weeks ramble, I have something I want to start off with and it has been chapping my ASS ever since I read the blog that Domiana posted last week. Now I try to NOT start of my Friday wrap-ups with a negative feel, and I don’t feel that this one is; I feel that this one starts off with me taking a stand for this wonderful planet and the creatures that inhabited it long before Man came along.
It appears that the governor of Alaska has decided to play God with the wolf population in that state. He continues to permit "land and shoot" practice in certain areas of the state, describing it as public participation in a predator control program, rather than allow people who are so inclined do it from the air. They cannot land a shoot more than once a day and they can’t use helicopters. WTF!? There is currently a $150.00 bounty for 4 legs from a wolf that is bought in. To be used for studying the age of the wolves brought in. Again I say WTF!?! Who the fuck does this jackhole think he is? It would seem that he thinks he is God and has the right to monitor the wolf population in Alaska. I have been to Alaska, and the state is fucking HUGE. And there aren’t that many prime places to farm, and where there are farms I can see keeping the population of wolves in check in order to protect a farmer’s livestock. Memo to the dickhead in charge of Alaska: Mother Nature took really good care of the wolf population LOOOOOOOOONG before your punk ass came along, and I am betting that She doesn't need your help at this point. Leave well enough alone you arrogant fuckstick, you are NOT GOD. All you are is a meddlesome entity that is contributing to the demise of this wonderful planet we live on. If any being/animal/creature should have their population monitored and kept in check it would have to be jackholes like you. Go play God somewhere else you fucking waste of skin. And how sporting is it for someone to hunt from the air while the hunted has only the ground and whatever cover it may provide? Not very fucking sporting at all. If you want to show your sporting nature, get the fuck on the ground with only your wits and your teeth to fight the wolf. THAT would be fair. But in a fucking airplane with high powered rifles? Gimme a fucking break!! It’s fucksticks like the people that condone this kind of hunting that give hunting a bad name.
On Meerkat Manor this last Friday one of the long time endearing characters of the show died. Flower the dominant female leader of the Whiskers clan died from a lethal cobra bite to the head. She followed the cobra into the Whiskers baby sitting burrow in order to protect her new pups, and as a result she got bit. She had been the matriarch of the Whiskers clan for four years and through her leadership the group has over 40 members, making it one of the biggest and most powerful groups in the Kalahari. It was a really sad episode to watch, I thought Flower was pretty cool.
Life continues to be as interesting as ever in the House ‘o’ Estrogen, and as it should the dynamics of the house are changing. Kaity is beginning to put a little distance between herself and the 2 younger sisters Sarah and Lexi. Now that’s not to say that Kaity doesn’t try to push Mrs. Sheldons and my buttons, she does from time to time test our resolve as do Lexi and Sarah. Here’s where the dynamics have changed: Mrs. Sheldon and I no longer feed into the little immature squabbles that occur during the week. There was a time when Mrs. Sheldon and I would let the girls draw us into the argument, and then we would try to impose our will through arguing and threats. Now it’s very simple. We set the expectations and boundaries and if the girls don’t meet them or cross the line then they get a consequence. Now when the girls get the consequence there is inevitably going to be some more arguing. It’s at this point that Mrs. Sheldon and I have begun to simply walk away. We no longer stay to fight and argue with the girls; we give the consequence and leave them to try and fight with nobody. And it works like magic!!! And the girls have found out that fighting alone makes them look pretty silly. As for Hunter he is an 11 year old boy and the normal battles occur with him that occur with any 11 year old boy. Get your room picked up, get your school work handed in on time, pick up after yourself, and get your dishes cleaned up. Luckily for Mrs. Sheldon and me Hunter hasn’t reached the age where he feels he needs to contest every little thing that Mrs. Sheldon and I say. Don’t get me wrong he pushes the limits as far as he can, but I can still use my tone of voice and “the look” to get him to do as he is asked. That kind of thing has never worked with the girls and I suspect that it never will. Cool by me though, Mrs. Sheldon and I are doing what good parents should be doing: Showing a united front to our kids and letting them know in a firm and not confrontational manner that WE call the shots in the house, and that WE will uphold certain expectations and rules in the house, and that those rules and expectations are not negotiable, and that they are fair at the same time.
CONFLICTED!!!!!! My weekend in the NFL was a double edged sword this week. My beloved Niners fucking SUCKED in their loss to my beloved Seahawks. The Niners ran out of feet to shoot themselves in and consistently put themselves in bad situations that our defense couldn’t bail the offense out of. And as for my beloved Seahawks, they didn’t/couldn’t deliver the knock out punch and put the game out of reach. The Niners gave the Seahawks a plethora of chances to run the score but the Niners D held the Seahawks to 23 points. If my beloved ‘Hawks are going to contend in the NFC this year they are going to have to know how to go for the jugular and knock teams the fuck out when given the chance to do so. And if my beloved Niners are going to contend, they need to find a fucking offense, ‘cause the one they displayed on Sunday fucking sucked it hard and long. And not in a good way. Nice job Seattle, and maybe next week my beloved Niners will sack the fuck up and play some fucking football.
Mrs. Sheldon never ceases to amaze me. She has gotten into the habit of buying candy for my office, and my patients have been digging on the stuff that she brings. The other day I jokingly made the comment that they (my patients) should write her a “thank you” card and give it to her. So they did. They all wrote their thank you’s in the card and I took it home to Mrs. Sheldon. It almost had her in tears; my guys are pretty cool and they showed their appreciation to my wife in one of the coolest and warmest gestures I have seen in some time. Thanx guys for doing that, it made my wife’s day. And thanx to Mrs. Sheldon for being… well for being Mrs. Sheldon. I am the luckiest guy on the fucking planet; I married my best friend, and an amazing woman. Love you Mrs. Sheldon.
The kids all went to the fair the other day, in fact the schools in Moxee have a specific day off to go to the fair. The girls went together and Hunter went with one of his friends. It would appear that all of them had a great time; the girls were there for about 4-5 hours and Hunter was there for about 6 ½ - 7 hours. They rode the rides and had a blast. Mrs. Sheldon and I will be going sometime during the week; we hope to see Eddie Money play some rock and roll from OUR time period. I’ve seen Eddie Money before; he opened for April Wine back in the day. He did a great job and sounded awesome. Hopefully he sounds good this time around.
Well we just returned from the fair, and as expected Eddie Money sounded fucking fantastic. And talk about a musical trip down memory lane!!! From the opening riffs of “2 Tickets to Paradise” to the final strains of “Shakin’” Eddie was fucking great. My favorites on the night were “Gimme Some Water” and “Baby Hold On”, but to be completely honest I knew just about every song he played tonight. And his daughter Jessie Money can SING!!!! She got out on the stage and did “Turtle Blues” by Janis Joplin solo, and the vocals that Ronny Spector made famous on “Take Me Home Tonight.” For an 18 year old young lady Jessie has the voice of a woman many years older. She was incredible, and complemented what Eddie was doing so well. Lots of stage presence and she was right in tune with what the band was doing. All in all I had a great time. And Mrs. Sheldon seemed to enjoy herself also.
Ok I wasn’t going to say anything and further feed the media frenzy/train wreck that is Britney “Hey bartender, make it a double” Spears life, but I just can’t let this one go without saying anything. Britney has lost custody of her kids to her ex-husband Kevin “I’ll ride your coattails to get famous” Federline. Evidently the courts feel that he is a better parent than Britney. Normally I would have said not a chance, but Britneys behaviors as of late have been anything but normal. So is this saddest of situations (sad for the children) it appears that Federline is truly the better parent. Memo to Miss Spears: Get some freaking help you no talent bimbo. Get the rehab, work a fucking program, stay sober, and for the love of God keep your fucking legs crossed, or get on the pill. Do NOT under ANY circumstances have any more children. You haven’t been able to be a mother to the ones you have now, please don’t have any more. And instead of trying to revive a career that has long since faded into obscurity, why don’t you go ahead and put some effort into parenting. Take some classes, read a book, ask someone who knows. Just do something for the sake of your children. You might think it’s cool to strip down and go for a swim at a moments notice. You might think it’s ok to show your coochie to the world because wearing panties cramped your style. You might think that you should continue singing for a living. You might think that shaving your head and beating the piss out of some poor helpless car with an umbrella is the right thing to do. You might think that driving you SUV with your child in your fucking lap is the height of safety, and you might think that because you’re a big star means you don’t have to have a legitimate license to drive a car, but you are sadly mistaken. You are no better that anyone else on this planet, in fact I can think of people/parents that have more parenting skills in their fucking pinky finger than you have in your entire body. (Mrs. Sheldon comes to mind, she can parent like a mutha fuggah!!!) So take some of that money you have earned for doing God knows what, and buy a fucking clue. You a no talent mother of two, so why not concentrate you energy into being a mother of two. Let go of the music (that in my opinion sucks it hard and long) and grab ahold of those kids before they decide like the majority of us that you’re a piss poor excuse for a mother and that they want nothing more to do with you.
One of the girls advanced the idea the she wanted to move back to 3Cities with her sister. I have mixed emotions about this. One side of me would miss her. Not her temper tantrums or the sense of entitlement that she wears like a tiara from a beauty pageant; but the young lady that has a smile that lights up a room. The young lady that that has such an awesome sense of humor, and is such a joy to be around. The other side of thinks it’s a fantastic way for her to see that life here isn’t all that fucking bad. The other side of me thinks that moving in with big sister might just show her that living with mom isn’t as bad as she wants to make it out to be. That maybe opening the fridge and seeing food in there that is edible and that there is plenty of it is better than being closer to friends that are actually only a one hour car ride away. Who knows? The other side of me thinks that it might just make the young lady will see in all reality that life here is way better than she makes it out to be, and maybe she will appreciate Mrs. Sheldon a bit more than she does now. I truly don’t think it will happen. Big sis doesn’t have the patience nor the income to support little sis the way that we do. This idea has been advances before and nothing has come of it, and IMHO nothing will come of it this time. Mrs. Sheldon made a well advised phone call to big sis and let her know about some boundaries that would be set, and big sis back pedaled pretty quickly. That and big sis and her boyfriend have roommates that hadn’t been consulted about this idea, and I get the distinct feeling that said roommates would probably not be too keen on having little sis living there for longer than say 1 night.
The baseball playoffs kicked of this week, and my picks for the World Series are as follows: From the American League I am picking the Boston Red Sox. I fucking hate the Skankees, and I have for quite some time now. And from the National League I am choosing from my heart and not my head and I am going with the Chicago Cubs. It has been fucking FOREVER for the Cubbies, and I think it’s about fucking time they got a shot at a ring. So GO CUBS, and GO SOX!!!
Well that’s about it for another week. Long assed post huh? If you’ve made it this far, then you are truly a patient and compassionate person, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am going back into lurk mode, I will be watching you all and commenting when I feel the need. Thanx for listening everyone…
This is me....or a reasonable portrayal of me.
"Life gets interesting in a house full of women"
Saturday, October 6, 2007
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